Some occasions may require us to make a safety decision to refuse our workers entrance in your home or office if the area contains unsafe objects or items. Professional moving companies have minimum safety standards that prohibit exposure to the following items:
Exposed oils, gases, or other harsh chemicals
Drug paraphernalia
Spilled liquids
Bodily fluids
Harsh dust (e.g, brake dust)
Sharp fragments (metal shards, broken glass)
Harsh odor
In addition, certain structural deficiencies or obstructions may require us to deny our workers entrance, including, but not limited to:
Deep holes, pits, or other ground cavitations
Structures with exposed nails, screws, or other sharp construction debris
Loose stairs
Structures that could present a falling hazard
If our professional moving foreman notices any of the above safety concerns, he or she will contact our business manager at the office to make an enter/no enter decision. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone based on exposure to unsafe conditions. In addition, we will not enter homes or businesses currently undergoing construction or remodelling.
As always, if you have questions, please give our office a call.